IFC Officers

Executive Council


Rodrigo Saenz

Fraternity: Pi Kappa Alpha

Major: BA in Accounting, MA in Finance

Hometown: Cedar Park, TX

Email Address: aggieifc.president@gmail.com

Responsibilities: Presides over all IFC meetings, sets strategic vision for the council, holds authority to create positions and assignments, serves as chairman of the IFC executive council, presides over IFC Congress, acts as official representative for the council, and ensures the council is operating.

External Vice President

Eli Kruckenberg

Fraternity: Sigma Chi

Major: Geographic Info Science & Tech

Hometown: Phoenix, AZ

Email: aggieifc.evp@gmail.com

Responsibilities: Responsible for creating opportunities to enhance the IFC brand, increasing IFC’s involvement on campus and in other student organizations, and developing initiatives for career and leadership/professional development for our members.


Internal Vice President

Luke Herbeck

Fraternity: Alpha Sigma Phi

Major: Industrial Distribution

Hometown: Carrollton, TX

Email: aggieifc.ifr@gmail.com

Responsibilities: Coordinates all tailgating and tailgate actions that pertain to fraternities that participate; works with Recreation Sports to organize IFC leagues for Intramurals; organizes and executes yearly interfraternity events to build comradery within the Texas A&M University Interfraternity Council; and awards scholarships to members of recognized IFC fraternities.


VP of Judicial Affairs

Bennett Bradford

Fraternity: Phi Gamma Delta

Major: Management, Pre-law

Hometown: Houston, TX

Email: aggieifc.judicial@gmail.com

Responsibilities: Serves as the chairman of the Interfraternity Council Judicial Board; interprets the IFC Constitution, Recruitment policies, and any other IFC policies; Oversees Associate Justices, leads any judicial proceedings for the council, and maintains all confidential judicial records for the council.


VP of Recruitment

Diego Saenz

Fraternity: Pi Kappa Alpha

Major: Sports Management

Hometown: Cedar Park, TX

Email: recruitment@tamuifc.com

Responsibilities: Chairs the IFC Recruitment team, provides information concerning recruitment to all IFC member fraternities and their teams, aids in organizing IFC formal and informal recruitment processes, evaluates recruitment before and after to maintain efficiency.



VP of Finance

Carson McCormick

Fraternity: Sigma Chi

Major: Frisco, TX

Hometown: BA in Accounting, MA in Finance

Email: aggieifc.finance@gmail.com

Responsibilities: Keeps funds of the IFC properly deposited and keeps an accredited set of records on all transactions, assigns and collects all fines, assessments, and charges in the IFC accounts,



VP of Public Relations

Eli Kruckenberg

Fraternity: Sigma Chi

Major: Industrial Distribution

Hometown: Phoenix, AZ

Email: aggieifc.pr@gmail.com

Responsibilities: Coordinates the public relations efforts of the council, maintains contact with local news services to ensure appropriate coverage of the IFC, designs publications and marketing materials for the council, and is responsible for upkeep of the IFC website and social media accounts.

 VP of Development

 Keeten Levin

Fraternity: Pi Kappa Alpha

Major: Political Science

Hometown: Fairview, TX

Email: aggieifc.scholarship@gmail.com

Responsibilities: Coordinates our council’s IFC LEAD program, oversees the new member education series, and directs our academic and scholarship efforts; designs and implements educational and leadership development initiatives.

 VP of Administrative Affairs

 Jackson Wilson

Fraternity: Phi Delta Theta

Major: Industrial Distribution, MS in Finance

Hometown: Kingwood, TX

Email: aggieifc.aa@gmail.com

Responsibilities: Records official minutes at all IFC Congress meetings and Executive Council meetings, takes roll at meetings, publishes and distributes meeting minutes, is responsible for all records of the IFC, and oversees the IFC election process along with the IFC President.

VP of Philanthropy & Service

TJ Crinklaw

Fraternity: Kappa Sigma

Major: Biology

Hometown: San Antonio, TX

Email: aggieifc.directorsp@gmail.com

Responsibilities: Leads the organization of fall philanthropy and spring service events, coordinates with the Interfraternity Council to assist in the IFC Olympics, manages fundraising efforts, and organizes community service opportunities.